I’m Just me!


Looking back on 2020/Brighter Days Ahead for 2021

2020 was really some year for all of us!! It was one year I couldn’t wait to see some to an end. With the world wide pandemic of COVID-19, when the whole world basically shut down in March, to our own personal struggles and adversities we faced. And for African Americans, the racial injustice we dealt with in 2020. For me personally, in January, me and my mom took a trip to Atlanta to look at some apartments because I was thinking about moving there in March or April. I had already made up my mind that I was going to move there no matter what, and that nothing was going to stop me. I had already planned on quitting my job and had my two-week notice typed up and ready to go! March 13th of 2020, I handed in my two-week notice with a plan all set on how everything was going to work. That same month me, my mom and my aunt were planning on taking a trip to San Juan Puerto Rico towards the end of that month but that’s when the world went into a nationwide shut down! We found out that if we were to go to Puerto Rico, we would basically be confined to our hotel rooms the entire time, and that is NOT a vacation. Needless to say, we canceled the trip and were able to get out money back.

In talking to my family and basically not even having a job in Atlanta waiting for me, or a substantial savings, I decided that moving to Atlanta was not best for me at that time, and especially with everything that was going on with the pandemic. Now don’t get me wrong, I had some savings but without having a job, it probably would have only lasted me 6 months (if I was lucky). Not having a job was good for the first couple off months because I could wake up when I wanted and pretty much do what I wanted for the day. Forgot to mention, I was living with my parents so I didn’t have worry about any major expenses. During this time I decided to work on my jewelry accessories business. I used up some of my savings buying products and supplies but around June, I realized that spending money without having income coming in was crazy! I decided to start looking for a job.

In July I started back working for the company that I used to work for, at the same position at a higher pay (long story and this post is already long enough so I’ll get into that later….lol). Everything was going good, besides my jewelry accessories business, but that was my own fault because I had not really been marketing it like I should have been. But I was once again employed, had income coming in, and got to work from home. I also had made the decision to start back blogging for real this time and finally start a YouTube channel! A little over a month after I started back working at my company, on August 17, 2020 I got the most devastating news, my dad had passed way upon arriving at his dialysis treatment. My life completely changed after that and it’s still taking me awhile to get use to the fact that my dad in no longer here! Never would I have thought that 2020 would be the year I’d say goodbye to him! Needless to say his passing put my blog and YouTube plans on hold!

This post was a little lengthy but I said all of this to say that even though so much took place last year, I was still able to get through it! To press on, to see it through, all thanks to God, my family, and loved ones. I am beyond grateful for the many lessons that 2020 taught me: anything can happen, life is short, cherish your loved ones while they’re still here, don’t make excuses, the importance of having people in your circle…I could go on and on but I’ll stop there. Coming into this new year, 2021, I pray for continued guidance for continued guidance, protection, wisdom and God’s saving grace for myself and for you! 2020 may have been a rough year but by God’s grace, we were able to make it through! I pray that 2021 is a year of growth and accomplishments for you all! Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Peace and blessings,

D. Rose

My 2021 Savings' Goal