I’m Just me!


Motivational Monday: How reading is good for the soul, what I've read so far this year &what I'm currently reading

Motivational Monday: How reading is good for the soul, what I've read so far this year &what I'm currently reading

It’s a rainy Monday here in Nashville, TN perfect sleeping weather for many but perfect reading weather for me. Reading is truly a hobby of mine! I literally have a bookcase and stacks piled high with books and magazines that I intend to get to one of these days. As of writing this post we are four weeks into 2021 and I have read three books and working on my fourth. I have read Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland, What to Say When You talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter, The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Buttler and I’m currently reading The Parable of the Talents also by Octavia Buttler (pictured), the conclusion to The Parable of the Talents. So as you can see, I’m reading a mixture of fiction and non-fiction. My goal is to read at least 60 books this year mainly for pleasure and not for work or anything. It should be no secret that writing is good for many reasons. It improves our memory and comprehension, helps improve our vocabulary, depending on what we’re reading we can learn something from it or let out imagination run, it relaxes us…I could go on and on but I’ll stop here for today. What are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments. I’m always open for a new book recommendation, and it you want to know more about the books I’ve read or am currently reading, let me know also!

Peace & blessings,

D. Rose

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Motivational Monday: Having Compassion with Yourself