I’m Just me!


Quick Encouragement on being patient with yourself during trying times

I don’t know about ya’ll but lately my mind has literally been all over the place. Thinking about everything that has been taking place in the world and with my life personally, can be too much sometimes for me to deal with. There are times when I’m physically present but mentally, I’m far from the situation in front of me. There are times, I'm sure where you have felt like this as well and nothing is wrong with that, it proves that we’re human and we’re going to face trying times. God never said it was going to be easy. I’m writing this post as encouragement to myself but for those of you reading as well to remember to extent some grace to yourself.

There will be days when you just won’t have the energy to tackle everything on your to do list and that’s okay. There will be days when you won’t have the most positive attitude, cleanse your space of whatever is causing this feeling, do something for yourself that gives you mental clarity and peace of mind. For me this is writing and reading. Watch something or listen to something that puts a smile on your face, that makes you laugh, laughter is good for the soul, but also remember that it’s okay to cry, for crying is cleansing.

Always remember that you are your number one priority! So focus on your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing, stay away from toxic people and things and always protect your space. You’ve probably already heard all of this before but hopefully I said it in a way that really reached you today, right here in this moment, the only moment that’s certain.

Peace and blessings,


Motivational Monday: The Healing Power of Affirmations