I’m Just me!


Motivational Monday: The Healing Power of Affirmations

Happy Monday everyone!! Hope your Monday is off to a good start. This is the the first post of what I plan on turning into a whole thing on Mondays…Motivational Mondays. Today I just want to take a little time to talk about the healing power of affirmations. There is so much power in words! I literally have affirmation cards, books and post it notes all over my room! I try to make it a habit of reciting affirmations to myself first thing in the morning. Now some days I do forget (I’m human) but when I do remember, they help to get my day off to a good start. The key with affirmations is to keep saying them out loud to yourself to the point where they before engraved in your mind to the point of action. I’ve been having a little trouble staying motivated lately so I wrote the affirmation to help me but hopefully it helps you all too. Start with saying this to yourself every morning for the next week for as many times as you choose or you can come up with your own affirmations or just google affirmations and choose some from there. Whatever you decide come back here and leave me a comment letting me know your experience with affirmations!

Peace & blessings,

D. Rose


Motivational Monday: Having Compassion with Yourself

Quick Encouragement on being patient with yourself during trying times